Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much
— Helen Keller

My magic place is in the kitchen. I love to cook. Without my family and community, Okano’s Kitchen would just be me, alone in a kitchen, sometimes dancing, and making food for people I love. Meet my team.


Mei Ratz

Mei found the title “creative” hidden in her childhood among the Wind River Mountains. Mei is the creator of Nervous Means Do It. She is often recognized for her courageous pursuit of social justice initiatives, insightful content creation, and efficient team building.

I have known Mei since she was a little girl and I have always admired her parents. Her dad, Jim Ratz, was the best boss I ever had. He taught me about “not sweating the small stuff”. He was my husband’s best friend. Even though Jim is no  longer in body with us, his indomitable spirit lives on in his two children, Mei and Willy Ratz. Lan Tien, their mother, is so full of wisdom that you just want to keep her on your shoulder somewhere and ask for advice when you need it. Mei is definitely the apple that hasn’t fallen far from that tree. I am thrilled to be getting to know her as a young mother. She is filled with light and oh so talented. I’m honored to use her photography to promote Samurai Bread and Okanos’ Kitchen!!


Anne Austin

Anne is an independent graphic designer in Wyoming. Collaboration, art, and design are at the center of her practice and she includes these elements into every project.

Anne and I have worked together on graphic design for many years at NOLS. After I left that job of 10 years, I sought her out to help me with a cookbook. She complements me in her quiet, patient and open-minded approach to design and is a master at translating jumbled ideas that are in my head into beautiful designs on paper. One of my favorite translations that she deserves all credit for, is the Okanos Kitchen and Samurai Bread logo we use in the business that has half of my family's Japanese Crest on top and a wheat graphic on the bottom. She is a trusted team player. 


Nicole Alger

Nicole is a classically trained realist painter, living in New York City.   For years,  she focused on the traditional genres of still life, portraiture and landscapes, the  majority of which was commissioned and sold privately.

Nicole is my soul sister. She has been one of my most valuable and critical ears, throughout my work and life for over 24 years. She knows me better than most anyone and has never doubted Okano’s Kitchen’s potential. She has provided countless imagery, art and logo ideas from the beginning and I have deep respect for her skilled painter's eye, sensitivity and style sense. It doesn’t hurt that we have a heck of a lot of fun hatching ideas together. I couldn’t do this without her. 

Stay tuned for an online store with her silkscreen products, like my prized Hachimaki collection designed and made by her hand.  


Phil Powers

Phil is my best friend. He has never doubted me and has always encouraged me to bring Okanos’ Kitchen to life. Thanks to his belief in my abilities we added gourmet meals to his company, The Mountain Guides. We make 1,200 meals every summer and serve them at 11,000 ft on the Grand Teton. It was a risk but he believed in me and with 5 years under our belt we have happy and satiated guests!

Phil is the kind of leader that gets you to be your best self without even knowing he’s doing it. He’s like an invisible magic carpet that helps you ride wherever you want to go. He always said that Okano’s Kitchen was a way for us to make a statement in the world and I guess I’m finally beginning to believe him. I count on his quiet, patient, counsel and steady hand. He has a mind for business and we are a true team in every sense of that word. 


A Japanese -language term used by ethnic Japanese in countries in North America and South America to specify the great-grandchildren of Japanese Immigrants. Meet my magnum opus, my children.

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Ramsay Wing Okano Pierce

Ramsay Wing is my first born. One of the most rewarding things about children is what you learn from them. Ramsay has never failed to offer me a window into the places of myself that I cannot or chose not to see. In starting Okano’s Kitchen, that aspect of guidance has been invaluable. Ramsay knows how to gently break open the boxes that we build to feel safe, for this is where the learning begins.  I count on Ramsay’s experience and wisdom particularly in dealing with people, for they have a keen understanding and intuitive sensitivity to the needs of others. 

I consider Ramsay my first investor in Okano’s Kitchen after giving me a $100 bill at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic to get a food delivery service off the ground. Ramsay helps with the business side of things, (like building this website)  teaches me about intergenerational trauma and healing, brought me to yoga and meditation and always helps me laugh at my own shortcomings. They are a rockstar. 


August Mansfield Powers

Gus is an old soul and the kind of person you would be happy to have on the other end of your rope. He is self aware beyond his years and always carries his weight and then some. His huge smile alone will warm your heart in the best and worst of times. In this last year of COVID his humor and goofiness was a lighthouse we all counted on. He is resourceful, quick witted and a shrewd business partner and food critic.  I have him to thank for building a form to sell Samurai Bread kits. During Covid, he and I started a business delivering meals to clients including donated ones to health care workers. He is meticulous in the kitchen and helped refine the packaging for the 1,200 Savor by Sarah meals we make every summer, for  our company, Jackson Hole Mountain Guides. He is now a professional vacuum sealer, a certified Food Handler and when it comes to food safety, in the kitchen, watch out! 


Zachary Mansfield Pierce

This is my eldest son Zach, and Kristen, my beloved soon to be daughter-in-law. Samurai Bread and balsamic dipping sauce will be on every table at their wedding, in September 2021!

Zach actually made Samurai Bread for everyone in his office during Covid and personally delivered them. He was the first of my kids to actually go at the process alone and he went big. Zach holds us all together as a blended family with his optimism, kindness and music. He is now the strongest climber in the family (Phil still holds the corner on skill)  and I’m proud that he and Kristen manage to seek out adventures on the rock amidst very demanding jobs. I have to brag that Zach has been a leader in reversing the climate change trends in the state of Colorado working for governor Polis and I see him continuing to grow in that sphere of influence. 


Amos Henry Pierce

Amos is the only one of my kids who literally “cooked his way” through my cookbook. Thanks to him, I have learned that I need to re -write all the recipes with particular attention to the detail in directions. Amos is also one of my best taste testers and I love the sound he makes when something is really good. He is my most famous Thai Dumpling eater. I believe he can polish off 20 in a sitting. 

He was one of the very first insiders to test the Samurai Bread Mix and came upon a confusing direction that would have made anyone think the magic would happen if you just poured the dry mix into a bowl and waited. He dutifully waited for an hour and finally called me. No water??? LOL!! My bad!! Needless to say, I have now clarified this in the directions. Amos has an eye for marketing and I will count on him to help me launch Samurai Bread Mix to an audience well beyond friends and family. Maybe in the fishing lodge world???